Nebraska ACTE

Who We Are

ACTEN is the professional association for career and technical educators in Nebraska. Established in 1946, ACTEN has some 375 members across Nebraska including teachers, administrators, teacher educators, career counselors, teacher candidates, business partners and other professionals who support or advocate for career and technical education.

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Jean Condon, 2023-2024 President

It is a pleasure and privilege to serve as President of the Association for Career and Technical Education of Nebraska (ACTEN) this year. This will be my 34th year as a Business and Technology Instructor at Mid-Plains Community College. My experience as an ACTEN member includes attending many national ACTE conferences, serving as a voting Business Division representative, attending many Nebraska Career Education conferences, serving as Division Chair of the Business and Technology Division at Mid-Plains Community College and teaching experience at two Nebraska high schools and two community colleges. I received the ACTEN Outstanding Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year in 2015.

As we begin the 2023-24 school year, on behalf of the ACTEN Executive Board and myself, I want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment to excellence in Career and Technical Education (CTE), and for choosing ACTEN as your professional association. Our mission is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce and our vision is empowering educators to deliver high quality CTE programs that ensure all students are positioned for career success. You are a vital and integral part of keeping career and technical education current and at the forefront of maintaining a competitive workforce in Nebraska. YOU are educating our students with the skills and the knowledge for success in their chosen career path. Take pride in the incredible work you do for your students, partners, and future employers
of your students.

One of my priorities is to recognize the excellence work our career educators are doing in their classrooms, schools, and communities. There are eight Member Awards to present—Teacher of the Year, Outstanding Teacher by Division, Postsecondary Teacher of the Year, New Teacher of the Year, Administrator of the Year, Counselor of the Year, Teacher Educator of the Year, and Carl Perkins Community Service. Please go to this website to nominate a colleague or yourself for an award–Nebraska Awards – ACTEN (

Another priority this year is to make CTE educators aware of ACTE advocacy for career and technical education funding to their schools. ACTE has great resources and information on their advocacy webpage. Please share this information with non- association members to encourage them to join ACTEN/ACTE which advocates and supports their school program funding through Carl Perkins and congressional education funding. I am excited to be a part of this professional association and look forward to leading this great organization this year. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact

Thank you and have a great year!

Jean Condon, 2023-2024 President

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